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Occupational Therapy Services

Get to know us better.

OT Services is a multi service provider of Occupational Therapy Services, Healthcare Training and Health & Safety Consultancy solutions supporting a broad range of clients in the private and public healthcare sectors right across the country. Our aim is to provide clients with an "efficient and comprehensive Occupational Therapy service, saving you time and money".

Developmental Assessment

Children may experience various challenges in their development. Once these difficulties are identified and explored, they can be addressed by Occupational Therapy. The purpose of Occupational Therapist is to assist a child to achieve their maximum potential at home, school and in social activities.

OT Services offer assessments, therapy and recommendations for children who have dyspraxia, sensory processing difficulties, intellectual disability, Down's syndrome and a range of learning difficulties.

Gross/Fine Motor Skills

Children with gross motor difficulties often struggle to move in a coordinated manner. They may bump into objects or people, may start to avoid movement experiences and mat drop items. They may have difficulties participating in team sports, swimming or riding a bike. We at OT Services can assess your child's performance in these areas and recommended interventions and strategies to address these difficulties.

Fine motor difficulties entail difficulties with intricate activities with our hands. These include do/undo buttons, zips, cutlery, using a scissors, manipulating toys and writing neatly. Difficulties with these tasks may lead to an increased time in completing every tasks and additional help required at home and in school. At OT Services, we can provide interventions and strategies to help with these difficulties and challenges.

Sensory Processing

Sensory integration refers to how people use the information provided by all the sensations coming from within the body and from the external environment. For most of us, sensory integration occurs without conscious thought or effort. However for others, sensory integration happens inefficiently. For some children, sensory integration does not develop smoothly.

Because some children can't rely on their senses to give them an accurate picture of the world, they don't know how to behave in response, and they may have trouble learning and behaving appropriately. Occupational Therapy works to organise your child's senses into appropriate responses. This allows your child to process sensory information effectively

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Education & Management

OT Services is a multi service provider of Occupational Therapy Services, Healthcare Training and Health & Safety Consultancy solutions supporting a broad range of clients in the private and public healthcare sectors right across the country. Our aim is to provide clients with an "efficient and comprehensive Occupational Therapy service, saving you time and money".


Handwriting is a very complex skill that has a number of core components. It is required that a person has good posture, sound fine-motor skills and adequate visual perceptual skills. It also has a large motor planning component. Defects in any of these areas may impact a child's ability to meet the demands of handwriting at school.

At OT Services, we carry out a range of age-appropriate assessments to determine if a child/adolescent has a problem in these core areas and we then provide recommendations to address these issues, which may include:

  • - Sensory Integration Therapy to work on core skills
  • - The provision of a scribe for state examinations
  • - The allocation of additional time in state examinations
  • - The use of assistive technology e.g. Laptop or Tablet

School Talks

OT Services offers in-school talks for teachers and staff on Occupational Therapy. The aim of these courses is to support principals and teachers to gain an understanding of the role of Occupational Therapy within a school environment, how to access Occupational Services and the benefits for children in receiving Occupational Therapy intervention.

These courses also assists teachers to recognise indications of handwriting difficulties, poor coordination and sensory processing difficulties, and the consequential impact it may impose on the child's education. A number of case-studies are used to demonstrate these skills in a practical and useful manner in the classroom environment



The Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) promotes Occupational Therapy through leadership, standards of practice, ethics, governance, education, research and advocacy on behalf of its members and in line with the World Federation of Occupational Therapists.


CORU is Ireland's multi-profession health regulator. CORU'S role is to protect the public by promoting high standards of professional conduct, education, training and competence through statutory registration of health and social care professionals. It is made up of the Health and Social Care Professionals Council and the Registration Boards, one for each profession named in our Act and was set up under the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005 (as amended)

OT Services: We are here for your care

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